Jon Thomas Busch
United States Air Force
Columbus, Ohio
May 07, 1941 to November 02, 1973
(Incident Date June 08, 1967)
JON T BUSCH is on the Wall at Panel 21E, Line 73
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jon Busch

Jon T Busch
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11 Sep 2002

Father of four,
Susan Lynn Busch Goodell,
Jon Andrew Busch (deceased Sept. 20, 1999),
William Busch, and
James Busch.

Loving son to Charles E. and Jean C. Busch.
Brother to Charles L. (Larry) Busch.

Husband and friend to
Norma L. White,
mother of Susan and Jon,

and Susan Warfel,
mother of William and James.

but not in vain and will forever live in our hearts.

From one who remembers,
Contact Us

02 Aug 2007

I wear his POW bracelet.



Notes from The Virtual Wall

On the evening of 08 June 1967, two F-4C Phantom aircraft of the 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron departed Da Nang Air Base on a night armed reconnaissance mission over the area of North Vietnam immediately north of the Demilitarized Zone. The second aircraft, HAMBONE 2 (F-4C tail number 63-7425), was crewed by Captain Victor Apodaca and First Lieutenant Jon T. Busch.

On arrival in the mission area, HAMBONE 2 dropped into a one-mile trail position behind HAMBONE 1. While operating at about 4500 feet in an area 22 miles northwest of Dong Hoi HAMBONE 1 advised that he was receiving heavy and accurate ground fire. HAMBONE 2 acknowleged the call and reported that he had been hit. HAMBONE 1 directed his wingman to head for the coast, but within moments HAMBONE 2 reported control and hydraulic system malfunctions. Shortly thereafter emergency beeper signals were heard, but the location and number of beepers could not be determined.

Short on fuel, HAMBONE 1 was forced to depart the area. Extensive visual search-and-rescue efforts were not practical due to darkness, weather, and the enemy's antiaircraft artillery capabilities and electronic searches failed to elicit contact with either of the downed crewmen. Captain Apodaca and 1st Lt Busch were placed in "Missing in Action" status.

Neither of the two men returned when the POWs were released in February 1973. Later in that year the Secretary of the Air Force approved Presumptive Findings of Death for both men, Apodaca on 15 November 1973 and Busch of 02 November 1973, changing their status from MIA to Hostile/Died while Missing/Body not Recovered.

A number of human remains were turned over to the US by the Vietnamese in 1988 and 1989. On 14 October 1988, the Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii identified Captain Jon Busch's remains among those repatriated on 13 July 1988. More than a decade later, on 15 March 2001, Major Victor Apodaca's remains were identified as among those repatriated on 27 April 1989.

The POW Network site indicates that there may be some questions regarding the identification of the two men. The following links are provided for reference:

Jon Busch on the POW Network

Victor Apodaca on the POW Network

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