Anthony Eugene Buckner
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Sedalia, Missouri
December 07, 1947 to November 09, 1967
ANTHONY E BUCKNER is on the Wall at Panel 29E, Line 56
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Buckner

Anthony E Buckner
usarv.gif 4infdiv2.gif 12infrgt.gif

14 Jul 2004

I had just turned eight when Tony was killed so my memories of him are limited. I know how special a young man he was from my older siblings, his friends, classmates, and teachers. Their remarks always fill my heart with pride.

Brian K. Buckner


The good die young, so the saying goes,
And we're left only with memories of days of old.
Having you as a brother will always live in our hearts
Though the bitterness of war has torn us apart.

Uncle Sam called you away at an early age
Though I'll never understand war, even to this day.
You packed your bag and away you went,
We said our goodbyes and to the Army you were sent.

Never having the chance to grow old together
To sit around and reminisce and talk about whatever.
One day the family will all be together
And erase all bad memories, so nothing else will matter.

We'll laugh again and probably fight
And make up and things will once again be alright.
We've missed you dear brother over the years
As we've cried so many, many tears.

There's joy in knowing that you are now safe,
So on that cloud my brother, save us a space.

Written by his sister,
Deniece Christian

Forever missing you,
Donald, Richard, Jean, Pat, Sheila,
Dee Dee, Rhonda, Keith, Angie and Norma,
and all your family.

27 Oct 2005

God Bless You and Keep You.

From a friend,
Minetta Robinson
E-mail address is not available.

03 Aug 2006

Thank you for the ultimate sacifice you made for our country. We are very proud and grateful to you. We who know you will always love you and you will forever have a place in my heart as well as those of the citizens of Sedalia, Missouri.

from a friend,
Floyd R. Marshall (Randy)


A Note from The Virtual Wall

November 1967

Dak To is located in western Kontum Province in the Vietnam Highlands - rugged mountains along the Laotian and Cambodian borders, with peaks rising to 6,000 feet. A US Special Forces camp was located there, charged with monitoring North Vietnamese Army operations in the area. In October 1967 intelligence reports indicated the 1st NVA Division (four infantry and one artillery regiments) had occupied the hills near Dak To and was preparing for attacks on Dak To and the nearby camp at Ben Het. Instead of waiting for the assault, the Allied command ordered a spoiling attack by the 4th US Infantry Division, reinforced by the 173rd Airborne Brigade and six ARVN battalions.

The battle began on 03 Nov 1967 with a clash between the 3rd Battalion, 12th US Infantry, and NVA regulars south of Dak To. Other firefights followed, and as the battle intensified 3/12th Infantry assaulted the heavily fortified Hill 1338 south of Dak To. After hard fighting, 3/12 drove the 32nd NVA Regiment from Hill 1338. After a four-day battle the ARVN 3rd and 9th Airborne Battalions cleared the NVA 24th Regiment from Hill 1416 to the northeast.

To cover their retreat the enemy committed their reserves, the 174th NVA Regiment, to a blocking position on Hill 875 to the southwest of Dak To. On 19 Nov the 2nd Battalion, 503rd US Infantry, (2/503) was ordered to take the hill, which the NVA had turned into a fortress. Stalled by the network of underground tunnels, reinforced bunkers and fortified trench lines, 2/503 was relieved on 20 Nov by the 4/503. Hill 875 was taken on Thanksgiving Day, whereupon the NVA broke contact and pulled back into sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia. The Battle of Dak To officially ended on 01 Dec 1967.

Enemy losses were put at 1,644 killed at a cost of 289 U.S. and 73 ARVN dead. As in earlier battles, this disparity reflected the intensity of U.S. fire support - some 170,000 artillery rounds, 2,100 tac air sorties, and 228 B-52 sorties.

3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry, lost 23 men during the battle. Three of those losses were from C Company, 3/12, on 09 Nov 1967:

  • SP4 Robert M. Bates, Suffern, NY
  • SP4 Robert J. Winters, Albany, NY
  • PFC Anthony E. Buckner, Sedalia, MO

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