Michael Gregory Brown
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
El Segundo, California
February 07, 1948 to June 28, 1967
MICHAEL G BROWN is on the Wall at Panel 22E, Line 76
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Brown


11 May 2004

Mike, you were killed along with my classmate Ed Shubert on the same day. I am trying to find information on the incident. Rest in peace, Green Beret, rest in peace with the others. None of you are forgotten even as we who survived get older.

1LT Elmer Pence
201 Third Street, Beach Haven, New Jersey 08008

27 Jul 2005


by his best friend,
Lonny D Hammond

10 Oct 2006

Mike, I think about you every day of my life. Remember our hunting fiasco just before we left for Vietnam? You are a friend as much in death as you were in life. We laughed and fought side by side together. You will forever be in my thoughts. You and and I were more like brothers than anything and we were blessed by God to have had the opportunity to know each other. I'll see you on the big battlefield in the sky some day. Until then I salute you - you are a true AMERICAN HERO.


Lonny D. Hammond
1300 McCarroll Street, Clarkston, Wa 99403

30 Aug 2005

Michael Gregory Brown,
you are remembered,
you are missed.

From a friend,
Ted Baker

07 Aug 2006

I went to school with Mike in the early years and many years later it still makes me sad to read this. He was a great guy.

From a friend,
Mike Bishop

30 Sep 2006

Uncle Mike, I wish I had known you.
I have heard great things about you but I still feel the need to know more.
My brother is named after you, he is Michael Gregory Brown the 2ND.
You are my true Guardian angel.

If any one has information they can share with me I would like that very much.

From his niece,
Tracy Brown Yekel
Email address is not available


A Note from The Virtual Wall

There is some confusion regarding unit assignments and locations for three Special Forces members killed in action in southwestern South Vietnam on 28 June 1967. The three men are First, the primary casualty database says all three were killed in action in Kien Tuong Province, South Vietnam.

Second, the Special Forces "Killed in Action" list contains the following for the three men:

  • Edwin L. Shubert, Jr, A-429, Nui Tuong, Kien Tuong Province (later named A-421)
  • Ronald E. Fike, A-433, My An/My Da, Kien Phong Province
  • Michael G. Brown, A-433, My An/My Da, Kien Phong Province
The CIL Hawaii database confirms Det A-433 for SSgt Fike but goes no lower than the 5th Special Forces Group for 1LT Shubert and SP4 Brown.

Third, Kelley's Where We Were in Vietnam puts the Special Forces Camp at My An/My Da in Kien Tuong Province, and the Special Forces camp at Nui Trong in Chau Doc Province. For information, all three provinces mentioned bordered one another and the SVN/Cambodian border ... northeast-to-southwest, there was Kien Tuong just south of the Parrot's Beak, then Kien Phuong, then Chau Doc. As noted above, the SF/KIA list says 1LT Shubert's unit, A-429, was renamed A-421 ... and it was, according to Stanton's Vietnam Order of Battle, on 01 July 1967. But Stanton places A-421 at Ba Xoai, Kien Tuong Province, on 01 Jul 1967.


What to make of all this? The Virtual Wall isn't sure, but it appears that the SF/KIA listing has the wrong Province for Det A-433 at My An ... it should be Kien Tuong Province. Second, 1LT Shubert's unit was in the process of moving and being redesignated, going from A-429 at Nui Tuong, Chau Doc Province, to A-421 at Ba Xoai, Kien Tuong Province.

Fortunately, 1LT Shubert's Citation for the Silver Star clarifies matters: He was indeed involved in the action at Det A-433, My An, Kien Tuong Province - and it therefore seems certain that all three men were involved in the same action.

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