Linden Wayne Brittingham
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Milton, Delaware
March 06, 1948 to March 01, 1968
LINDEN W BRITTINGHAM is on the Wall at Panel 42E, Line 13
See the full profile or name rubbing for Linden Brittingham

Combat Action Ribbon

31 May 2008

Wayne was a special young man. I was honored to have him as a neighbor and a friend. More like a brother.

I will remember him for the rest of my life as the honorable, gallant, young man he was. He is still a part of my heart and will always remain there.

Joanie (Joanie Bologny)

Joan Carey Walls
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Tet Offensive began in late January 1968 and by mid-February the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong assault forces largely had been turned back with heavy losses - but fighting continued at a high level into the spring.

The fighting at Mai Xa Thi West (about 7 kilometers northeast of Dong Ha) on 01/02 March 1968 was particularly bloody, costing the lives of 27 Marines and sailors, with most of the casualties taken during the initial assault on 01 March. The 3rd Bn, 1st Marines Command Chronology for March 1968 describes the action as follows:

"Mai Xa Thi (west) (YD 283667) 1 Mar 68 This was the largest and most challenging attack of the operation. The situation was unique in that the friendly held attack position was separated from the objective by a small river only 140 meters wide [Note: approx 450 feet]. The objective had been previously bombarded from 2 to 14 Feb in preparation for an attack. The attack was postponed due to operations south of the river. When operations south of the river were terminated, the part of the hamlet to the east of the north-south river (Mai Xa Thi east) was again occupied and the attack by fire continued. The assault was by LVT after extensive preparation by artillery, naval gunfire, air, and direct fire from tanks and LVTH-6s. Plans called for an LVTE to be the first vehicle ashore and to neutralize the beach with a line charge. The LVTE became stuck moving into position and was not used. In spite of a maximum effort to deliver all possible preparatory fires, the enemy inflicted heavy casualties as Co M left the LVT's. Co M pressed the attack and secured the beach area. Co I was able to cross the river using a partially destroyed bridge and to move up on Co M's right, attacking on line. One section of LVTH-6's were in direct support of Co M. A section of tanks was in direct support of both Co M and Co I. LVTE's with line charges were used to breach enemy strong points with excellent results. By-passed enemy snipers took a heavy toll and necessitated that Co L follow Co M and Co I in trace and mop up by-passed enemy. The attack was continued until 2100H when a defensive perimeter was established with about 80 per cent of the hamlet in friendly hands. A detailed search of the hamlet the following day revealed many extensive fortifications, living bunkers, and large stores of ammunition indicating that Mai Xa Thi (west) was the center of enemy activity on the north bank of the Cua Viet River."

The 1st Armored Amphibian Company operated amphibious tractors armed with a 105mm howitzer and were used both to transport and to support the infantry. During the 01 March assault one tractor was hit by rocket-propelled grenades, killing three men:

  • 1stLt Thomas C. Gosch, Oceanside, CA (Silver Star);
  • Cpl Michael B. Spicer, Marion, OH; and
  • LCpl Linden W. Brittingham, Milton, DE.

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