James John Brennan
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
New York, New York
April 25, 1947 to February 09, 1968
JAMES J BRENNAN is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 45
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Brennan

James J Brennan
usarv.gif 4infdiv2.gif ARGT-35THINFANTRY.png

25 Mar 2003

When I was a 'green' grunt in Nam in Nov 1967 Jim took it upon himself to help the new guys prepare for the year ahead. He eased a lot of the tension of those first few months. I remember him telling us not to get too close to anyone (friendships) because it hurts too much when you lose them. It is one of those things that boys turning to men and trying to be tough find easy to say but in reality find imposible to accomplish. I did become close to the smiling New Yorker and yes, it did hurt too much the day we received incoming friendly fire and I found Jim and had to roll call the platoon to figure out who this was!

I will always remember Jim and his smiling face and his constant reminders of him being a short timer (he only had little over a month to go).

Carl R Eckelberry
"Mr Eck"

07 Apr 2003

God called you home before we got to meet, Grandpa Jimmy. I know that you can see me from Heaven, and I want you to know that I will make you proud, just as I am proud of you for what you did for me and our Country.

Your grandson, Michael.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A Company, 1/35th Infantry, lost two men to an artillery "short round" on 09 Feb 1968: SP4 Brennan and PFC Michael G. Kindred of San Jose, California.

They are remembered by their brothers in the
35th Infantry

Photo courtesy of the 35th Infantry Assn

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