Willie Joe Bramlet
Army of the United States
Brownfield, Texas
July 09, 1937 to March 05, 1966
WILLIE JOE BRAMLET is on the Wall at Panel 5E, Line 112
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Willie J Bramlet
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26 Jan 2005

SGT Willie J. Bramlet was a career soldier with eight years of military service. He was one of the original battalion members, as his Vietnam service started on October 10, 1965. He was a family man with a wife and two children.

Five months into his tour SGT Bramlet was riding in a convoy, and was mortally wounded when the vehicle he was driving came under heavy automatic weapons fire during a Viet Cong ambush. Dying immediately, SGT Bramlet became the second fatality the battalion endured since arriving in Vietnam.

B Battery was stationed at Di An when this attack occurred. A Memorial Service was held for SGT Bramlet at Di An. LTC G. E. Robinson, battalion commander, spoke about SGT Bramlet's career. B Battery's officers and men participated in a prayer service led by the battalion chaplain. A drum roll and Taps concluded the ceremony.

SGT Bramlet is remembered by the men of B Battery and of the Red Dragon Clan as a simple man doing his part in a land of much deadly activity.

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