Roland Michael Bowen
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Iron City, Georgia
December 20, 1947 to January 31, 1968
ROLAND M BOWEN is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 87
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roland Bowen


23 June 2005

Mike was my big brother. Although he was 7 years older and very busy with school, farm chores and football, he always found time to teach me something new or to tease me. He was a great football player and won many games for our small school's team. He planned on being a farmer, like our father, but was drafted instead. He was killed just after his 20th birthday.

Now I'm a mother with almost grown boys. I often see some of the uncle they never knew in them. Certain mannerisms and small glances can bring Mike to my mind in a flash. After all these years, he is still very much alive in my heart.

From his sister,
Jan Bowen Barwick


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 716th Military Police Battalion was the primary US military force in Saigon, consisting of four MP companies and two rifle security companies (Companies C and D, 52nd Infantry). The 716th's mission was to provide protection for a variety of US installations in the city itself.

The Tet Offensive in Saigon began after sundown on the night of 30/ 31 Jan 1968 and immediately involved troops from the 716th. By midnight on 31 January, 29 US servicemen had been killed in action in the city proper, 26 from the 716th MP Battalion. "A" Company lost three men:

  • SGT Michael A. Grieve, Hazel Park, MI (Silver Star);
  • PFC Roland M. Bowen, Iron City, GA (Silver Star); and
  • PFC Thomas C. Hiley, Omaha, NE.

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