Terry Lee Bosworth
Army of the United States
Whitmore, California
August 05, 1949 to March 30, 1971
TERRY LEE BOSWORTH is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 94
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Terry L Bosworth
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27 Jun 2004

Terry Lee Bosworth was a friend of my grandfather and father. He worked with my grandpa and was in boot camp with my dad. They were drafted together. My dad enlisted and did not have to go to Vietnam. I am told that Terry was there for only two months when he died.

Last week the traveling memorial Wall came to our town. My husband and I and our two sons went to see it. Our sons are ages seven and nine and I really wanted them to understand all that this meant. We talked about Terry and then we looked for his name together and made a rubbing of it when we found it. It was very emotional for me. We took pictures of the Wall and decided to scrapbook them as a sort of tribute to Terry and all the other soldiers who have fought for our freedom. It will also serve as a reminder for us what the cost of freedom really is.

I am so thankful for Terry Lee Bosworth and for all the men (and now women) who have fought and continue to fight for our country and my freedom.

26 Sep 2004

With the anniversary of September 11th not far behind us I have been thinking a lot about our country and our freedom and the men and women who fight to keep us free. Of course any time I think about this I always come back to Terry. Isn't it amazing that a man I have never met or who never met me has had such an impact on me? I can only come up with two words when I think about Terry and those are, thank you. You are in my thoughts often Terry. I think about who your family is and where they might be now and I wonder who you were before you were called off to fight for our country. What did you do, what did you like?

Again, thank you Terry and God bless your family and all who knew you.

12 Nov 2004

Today is Veteran's Day and again I think of Terry. I have said a prayer for all our men and women, past and present, who serve. Tonight I joined many other Americans in watching ABC's presentation of "Saving Private Ryan". There are so many people who have given their lives for my freedom. I wish that I could thank each and every one of them. I will keep them all in my prayers. I am so proud of them all and I am so proud to live in this beautiful country. God Bless America!

From a friend,
Jennie Johnson

25 Jul 2007

I knew Terry in High School. He was a couple of years older than me but we took the same school bus to and from school. After he graduated he went to Shasta College and got a job driving the same school bus. For the better part of a year I rode that bus and watched Terry break up fights and flirt with the dark haired girl who sat at the back of the bus. I don't remember her name but I understand that she later became his wife.

A year or so after I turned 16 and could drive my car to school I stopped riding the bus. The next time I saw Terry he was in the Millville Cafe. He was in his uniform and had his wife and new baby with him. It was only a short time later that I read in the newspaper that he had been killed in Vietnam. Terry was the only person I knew to lose his life in that war. I remember it like it was yesterday and I think of him every now and then. I wonder how his wife got along and how his baby grew up.

A few years ago I went to the Vietnam memorial to see his name on the Wall. It was an emotional time as I thought about the sacrifice that he had made for me ... for us. Then I thought about all the other names and the friends and families that were affected by this tragedy. I now know that this IS the land of the free and the home of the BRAVE and I consider myself fortunate to have known one of those brave men ... Terry Bosworth.

From a friend.
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