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Lonnie Pat Bogard
435TH TAC FTR SQDN, 8TH TAC FTR WING, 7TH AF United States Air Force Metairie, Louisiana May 11, 1942 to July 26, 1978 (Incident Date May 12, 1972) LONNIE PAT BOGARD is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 24 See the full profile or name rubbing for Lonnie Bogard |
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Pat was from Metairie, Louisiana. His wife, Sue Burdette, met him when they were students at Oklahoma State University. Sue was an active and very involved volunteer for the Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial located in Midland, Texas, when she was teaching biology and anatomy/physiology at Midland High School and Midland College. Sue came to Midland in 1982 from Alamagardo, New Mexico for higher pay and a better teaching opportunity. Pat completed flight school at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas, and he was an F-4 pilot. According to Sue he liked the F-4 as he thought it was safer than the hot, single-engine F-105 and certainly more glamorous than flying a transport aircraft. His squadron was based in Ubon, Thailand and he flew against targets in Laos and North Vietnam. Pat vanished May 12, 1972, just one day after his 30th birthday, on a night mission over Laos. Not a trace of the plane or its two-person crew has been found. There was a presumptive finding of KIA/BNR on July 26, 1978 from the Department of Defense. Pat is remembered by the Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial located at Midland International Airport, Midland, Texas.
Billy M. Brown |
REMEMBEREDby one who wears his MIA Bracelet,Cheryl Simpson cher745@bellsouthl.net |
Shelley Pieper |
Still Remembered
Joan Caruso Cortolillo |
REMEMBEREDby his wife,Susie Bogard 3506 Baumann Avenue, Midland, Tx 79703 burdette2442@grandecom.net |
Dear Pat, I've always called you "Lonnie" even though you are Pat. It's been "Lonnie" since I first wore your bracelet in 1972. You are not forgotten.
Fly high and rest well. God Bless,
Arlene Marine |
I was the duty officer the night that Pat and Bill went missing. I took the call from the command post and relayed the information to the squadron commander. It was indeed a sad day for me and the rest of the Eagle squadron. I will always miss him and the "party tape" he made just before he went down.
From a squadron member, |
I was a 7th grade student at Holloman A.F.B. New Mexico when I began wearing his M.I.A. bracelet. I learned that there was a teacher at my Junior High School whose husband was MIA and that she had these bracelets, all engraved with his name. She carried them on a wire of some sort. There is a small hole on the bracelet that the wire went through, and she took one off the wire and handed it to me. The only other information that I knew was that he was a pilot flying in Laos, and they feared his plane was shot down. Now, I teach at a military institution in North Georgia, and the majority of my students are cadets. I see the eagerness in their young faces, and flashback to the days of living on base. Many of these young people wear replica MIA-POW bracelets from a war that was taking place before they were born. No, I won't forget.
Elizabeth L. Lewis |
I was 17, in 1972, when I started to wear Lonnie's MIA bracelet. I wore it for many years until it broke in half right where the "P" was. I often think about and pray for him. It was very emotional for me when I chaperoned the 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. in 1993. We visited the "Wall". I told the children about Lonnie and the bracelet. We found his name. I could not reach it either way. But it was enough for me to see it. However, it was not enough for the students. Three students went to the top and hung one boy over so he could trace Lonnie's name for me. I still have that paper. God Bless you, Lonnie Pat Bogard, on this Memorial Day, 2006.
Angela |
On this July 4th, 2006, we think of our country and it's road to independence. We think of all those who have sacrificed to make our country free and keep it free. One who we remember not just today, but always, is the man whose name is on the bracelet I wore for years and which I still keep today. Captain Lonnie Pat Bogard, we pray for you and your family. God bless America and God bless you.
Dean Albertsen |
I too was a teenager who couldn't wait to get my POW/MIA bracelet and received it for my birthday. I was so excited and I also wore mine until it broke in the middle. I wore it for years, though. I have researched his name a lot and even mailed a letter to his hometown in LA in search of his family. With Veterans Day approaching I have been thinking about him and did a search and wow! here I am and so happy to have found you!
Forever in my thoughts and a bracelet worn with Pride and Love -
Sandra J Bullock |
Bogard, You were in the wrong flight at Reese but we made up for it at Tucson. Fortunately, we had one last time at Perrin. No one but you, Suz, Diane, and I can harmonize.
From a fighter pilot friend, |
I have been wearing a bracelet of Lonnie (even though his name is Pat, I refer to him as Lonnie) ever since the 1970's and will never take it off til the day that he is returned home to his family. Come on Hanoi ... get off your behinds and let us know what has happened to our servicemen. If and when Lonnie is returned home, then the bracelet will finally be removed and it shall be sent to Lonnie's family along with my prayers. God Bless Our Servicemen. They paid the highest price there is to ensure our safety and freedom.
Randy Hayward |
One of my students was wearing an MIA bracelet and I asked him how I might get one. I requested someone from the Air Force and a native of Louisiana. I received Pat's bracelet in 1980 and have kept or worn it since then. Today the Vietnam Wall arrived in our area and I immediately realized I would know his fate. I am so grateful to all who served so bravely in this war. To Pat's family, our family sends our sympathy and our appreciation.
The Jaubert Family
Jean Jaubert |
I still wear the bracelet for Lonnie Bogard as a reminder of the everlasting pain and suffering of war. I had five brothers in WWII and one in the Vietnam conflict. All returned safely for which I am eternally grateful. I am definitely a Senior Citizen and still proud to wear Lonnie's bracelet. Thank you, Lonnie, for the ultimate price you paid during this national conflict.
Jean Oliver |
A Note from The Virtual WallOn 12 May 1972 then-Captain Lonnie P. Bogard and 1stLt William H. Ostermeyer departed Ubon RTAFB in F-4D tail number 66-8799 on a "Night Owl" fast FAC mission along the Ho Chi Minh Trail in southern Laos. The flight went as planned until shortly after the F-4D completed a scheduled in-flight refueling session. At that point, with the F-4 somewhere in the vicinity of the Ban Karai Pass, radio contact was lost. SAR efforts failed to locate wreckage or either crewman. Both men were classed as Missing in Action.Over time, both were promoted and eventually declared dead - Captain Ostermeyer on 30 May 1974 and Major Bogard on 26 July 1978. Their remains have not been repatriated. |
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