Thomas George Blair, Jr
Army of the United States
Springfield, Virginia
January 19, 1947 to May 29, 1971
(Incident Date May 25, 1971)
THOMAS G BLAIR Jr is on the Wall at Panel W3, Line 58
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Blair

Thomas G Blair
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29 May 2004

Eternal and honored rest grant unto our Fallen Comrades, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon Them.
May They rest in glorious peace. Amen.

I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes in me shall live even if he dies,
and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
-- John 11:25,26 --

God bless Our Fallen Comrades, God bless our Fighting Comrades, God bless America. Always. Amen!

Tom was a 1969 Graduate of Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He loved nature and being outdoors. He followed our dad into a military career. He was a great "big" brother and was always there for my sister and I when our dad was at war. He brought honor to his family and his country. He is still dearly loved and remembered by his sisters.

Jan Blair Fatouros

20 Aug 2004

No greater love has man than that he give his life for his brother.
Tom, you would have been a great president.

I miss you.

From a high school classmate,


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The portrait of Thomas G. Blair, in the uniform of a VMI cadet, hangs in the Preston Library of the Virginia Military Institute.

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