Kemper Swanson Billings
Petty Officer First Class
United States Navy
Burlington, North Carolina
July 16, 1938 to October 29, 1966
KEMPER S BILLINGS is on the Wall at Panel 11E, Line 126
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kemper Billings

Combat Action Ribbon
Kemper S Billings
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18 Aug 2003


by his comrades-in-arms.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The mouth of the Hue River is a treacherous place, particularly during the seasons with southeasterly winds.

" . . . my personal log, dated 30 October 1966, tells of my being directed, in PCF-16, to proceed to the area off the Hue River, and to search for a crewman, BM1 Kemper S. Billings, that had been swept overboard from PCF-56, the night of 29 October, while traversing the river mouth. During our patrol, in that area, we had a UDT sailor from the USS Thomaston (LSD 29) on board to assist in recovery of the lost crewman if we found him. We never did find him, but my log also notes that I entered the Hue River the next day, to make a delivery of some materials to the Hue Swift Detachment. I can see that surf run, into that river, to this very day ... "
Anthony R. Taylor, LTJG
Officer in Charge, PCF-16
Taken from the
Coastal Squadron One site .

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