Glen Dean Belnap
Lieutenant Colonel
Army of the United States
Red Bluff, California
January 18, 1923 to December 20, 1967
GLEN D BELNAP is on the Wall at Panel 32E, Line 29
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Glen D Belnap
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Glen D Belnap


19 Sep 2005

LTC Belnap, right, discussing battle tactics with Gen Ryder.
U. S. Army photo

The Army photo at the top of the page is captioned "LTC Belnap directs troop movements from his helicopter during the battle of Dak To, Hill 724, Operation MacArthur, 25 Nov 1967."

Three weeks later he died in the service of his country. On 20 December 1967 the tail rotor of the helicopter that LTC Belnap was commanding his troops from struck a tree and it crashed. It is believed that LTC Belnap was thrown from the aircraft and that the aircraft then crashed and burned on top of him. This was an accident that took several other lives: PFC David Antol and SGM Herbert Roberts.

From his son,
Douglas Belnap

26 Dec 2006

Lieutenant Colonel Belnap was a soldier's soldier and an inspiration to all of us who proudly served under him.

He is and forever will be part of my soul.

Lt. Clay Andrews
C Company, 3/8 Infantry, 4th Inf.Div.

27 Dec 2006

You were the best and still are in my heart.
I tried to save you guys.
I tried.

From a soldier and his friend in D Co, 3rd Bn, 8th Inf,
James L. Turner

04 Mar 2008

I was Captain Bell's RTO (Delta Company). I spoke many times on the radio with Saber.

I was wounded Dec 9th, 1967 and evac'ed to the 71st Evac Hospital. I returned to the firebase on the 20th Dec and spoke to LTC Belnap. He told me they were getting ready to fly out and drop chain saws to Delta Company and asked if I wanted to go. I said yes but by the time the flight was ready I had stomach pains. He sent me to the medics where they decided I had appendicitis so I missed the flight. While waiting on the LZ for a chopper to take me to the Dak To airstrip, the word came that his chopper went down. I had no thoughts about me missing the flight ... I could only think about the crew, the Sergeant Major and Saber.

He was loved by all, and friendly to everyone he spoke to and we followed.

Mike Anderson
aka "846 Charlie"


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 20 December 1967 a UH-1H (tail number 66-16154) of the 189th Assault Helicopter Company was transporting the Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major of the 3rd Bn, 8th Infantry, and landing zone cutting equipment. While the aircraft was in a 120 foot hover, lowering the cutting equipment by rope, the tail rotor struck a tree, causing the Huey to crash and burn.

Although the pilot and two crewmen survived with injuries, four men died in the crash:

  • Aircrew, 189th AHC:
    • WO Jeremiah D. McGarry, Stillwater, MN, copilot
    • PFC David Antol, Dearborn, MI, crew chief

  • Passengers, HHC, 3/8th Infantry:
    • LTC Glen D. Belnap, Red Bluff, CA
    • SMAJ Herbert Roberts, Sunbright, TN

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