William Charles Behrens
Army of the United States
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
January 23, 1947 to January 31, 1968
WILLIAM C BEHRENS is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 86
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Behrens

William C Behrens
armyseal.gif usarv.gif ABDE-1STSIGNALBDE.gif


The Memorials

27 November 2001


N9036 Welling Beach, Fond du Lac, WI 54935


If there is anyone who could email me pictures and stories about my Uncle Bill I would really appreciate it.

I never got to meet him but my Uncle Bill is definitely a strong part of my family and we think about him often! My mom was very close with him and it hurts her too much to discuss the events.

It was my uncle's girlfriend (at that time) that told my Grandma about this site. She doesn't have a computer so I get her the information. She is in her 80's and only has us left. She would appreciate it hearing from others who remember Bill.

My brother is also named for my uncle.

Hoping to hear from Bill's friends,
Bill's niece, Dawn Wolff
22 Nov 2001


The Mission

"Richard Lacey, William Behrens, myself and others were stationed in Phu Lam, Republic of Vietnam, an isolated communications complex, physically located on the outskirts of Saigon, on the road to Cu Chi. Richard and myself were trained and worked as 'communications technical controllers'. William was, as I recall, a microwave specialist. We supported communications needs as directed by the Department of Defense.

On the day of the incident, Richard and William obtained permission to use a standard army jeep (M-151) for their trip to Regional Communications Headquarters in Saigon. Richard, who was an Acting Sergeant at the time, refused me permission to go with them stating that they didn't want to babysit a kid.

They were both heavily armed and I believe William was driving. They exited the main gate (homemade) and turned left towards Saigon. They passed through Cholon (a predominately Chinese 'suburb' of Saigon), then onward towards the Regional Communications Headquarters. Enroute, they approached the Vietnamese Phu toe racetrack area. It was later discovered that the cement bleacher and racetrack complex was being used as a field hospital by the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong.

Appropriately, the enemy defended this area in a multitude of different ways, one of which was to station a machine gun crew in an abandoned 'gas station' on the road approaching their complex and as Richard and William sped by, they were summarily attacked. Some time later, as the area was cleared of the enemy by elements of US Army Infantry, William was found and taken to the Mortuary at Tan Son Nhut where he was eventually identified by co-workers from Phu Lam. Richard was never found, nor as I understand it, could the Infantry offer any explanation as to his whereabouts, other than to speculate that he was taken prisoner. He was simply no where in the area. The date was 31 January 1968.

To the best of my knowledge, Richard was never seen or heard from again."

Thomas E. Lassek

SGT William Behrens and PFC Richard Lacey are remembered
by the men they served with at the
Phu Lam Army Communications Station

A note from The Virtual Wall
On 13 November 1978 the Secretary of the Army approved a Presumptive Finding of Death for Richard Lacey. As of 22 November 2001 his remains have not been recovered.

A memorial from his niece,
Dawn Wolff
22 Nov 2001

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