Paul Jennings Bates, Jr
Army of the United States
Mesa, Arizona
February 20, 1943 to February 06, 1974
(Incident Date August 10, 1971)
PAUL J BATES Jr is on the Wall at Panel W3, Line 128
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paul Bates

Paul J Bates
ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png ABN-212THAVNBN.gif 220avnco.gif

13 Feb 2003

Paul Jennings Bates Jr. is my adopted POW/MIA. I never met him, but I know he was a brave man, who loved his country. Thank you Paul, and all Veterans who fought for our country, you are all true hereos. I Will Remember You Always With Respect And Admiration.

Carey Kilbourne
E-mail address is not available.

30 Jan 2007

I did not know Paul, but I served with his brother, Richard, at Fort Huachua 1971-72. He took his brother's death really hard. I offer my prayers for Paul, Richard and the Bates family.

Zbigniew Andrew Stachow
651 Vanderbilt Street #2-O, Brooklyn, N Y 11218

August 10, 2007 - it's been 36 years but some of us still remember.

From a friend in Vietnam,
Mike S.


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 10 Aug 1971 Captain Paul J Bates (220th Aviation Company) and SP5 Thomas A Dolan (101st MI Co) were conducting a visual recon flight in an O-1G tail number 51-2267 in western Quang Tri Province. While attempting to point out a target in the Cam Lo River valley to an accompanying aircraft, the O-1G impacted trees on a steep slope. The crew of the accompanying aircraft initiated search-and-rescue operations while overflying the crash site. No movement in or around the O-1G was noted before the aircraft caught fire and burned, leaving only the wingtips and tail section intact. The SAR forces were unsuccessful in locating either crewman. The terrain precluded landing nearby for a physical search, and the heavy enemy presence in the area precluded insertion of a ground team without prior evidence of survivors. Although the on-scene aircrews concluded that it was unlikely that either Bates or Dolan survived the crash both men were classed as Missing in Action.

Eventually the Secretary of the Army approved Presumptive Findings of Death for the two, Bates on 06 Feb 1974 and Dolan on 05 Sep 1978. Their remains have not been recovered.

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