Phillip Fred Arnold
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Columbus, Georgia
September 03, 1946 to May 17, 1970
PHILLIP F ARNOLD is on the Wall at Panel W10, Line 55
See the full profile or name rubbing for Phillip Arnold

Phillip F Arnold
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11 Oct 2007

Phillip Arnold was more like a brother to me then the two I had.

We were room mates during Warrant Officer Flight School Class WOC 43 during 1969. We had so much in common, but the biggest was the love of flying. Like me he started to take flying leessons before he could drive a car. Phillip was a very accomplished pilot before he joined the Army to fly helicopters.

Phillip loved his wife Norma so much, other then flying that's all he talked about.

Phillip was killed in action only a short time after getting to VIetnam when the CH-47 he was flying was shot down and everyone on board were killed.

Norma found out shortly after this tragic day she was with son, Phillip did not know this but would have been so proud to be a new daddy. I hope they are both doing well, as I have lost touch with them, I would love to hear from them again.

From an Army buddy,
Neil Cigelske


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Five men from B Company, 159th ASHB, were killed when CH-47C tail number 67-18497 was shot down 10 kilometers south of Hai Lang:
  • CWO George C. Schultz, Stoneham, MA;
  • WO Phillip F. Arnold, Columbus, GA;
  • SFC Sammie E. Alexander, Milton, TX;
  • SGT Roy A. Petty, Akron, OH; and
  • SGT David W. Smith, Everett, WA.

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