Clyde Douglas Alloway
Technical Sergeant
United States Air Force
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
October 18, 1937 to June 07, 1970
CLYDE D ALLOWAY is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Clyde Alloway

Clyde D Alloway
7thaf.gif 14thsow.gif 18thsos.gif

24 May 2001

TSGT Alloway was lost on June 7, 1970, when his aircraft (an AC-119K gunship, tail number 5935) went down at sea offshore Military Region One. There are a few of us that wear his MIA bracelet now so that he is not forgotten. There isn't much information on the Internet regarding Clyde Alloway. I am here to ask all of us to please keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers. We need to remember all those left over there, to keep all close to our hearts, and to bring them home.

A memorial from Barbara Chastain.

12 Mar 2005

In memory of TSgt Clyde D. Alloway:

I wear your bracelet. I have since 1997. We are from the same state. I admire you and hope to someday meet you. I serve in the memory of all my fallen brothers. I am ever thankful and grateful for your ultimate sacrifice. You are NOT forgotten.

- Anonymous Alumnus -
United States Air Force Academy, Class of 1999
E-mail address is not available.

20 Sep 2006

I pray for you and your family! God bless you! I never knew you, but my maiden name was Alloway.

Kathy S. Garman

16 Apr 2007

My name is Richard Hay and I was the copilot on the flight on which TSgt Clyde D. Alloway was lost.

I offer the following background information and poem as a memorial, not only to Clyde, but to all those we lost during and after the Vietnam War, those we lost in all other wars, and those we are still losing today.

In 1983, while assigned to the 18th Military Airlift Squadron, at McGuire AFB, New Jersey I was asked to give a POW/MIA Speech by a Veteran's Administration (VA) representative for a 4th of July event they were sponsoring. Although I didn't consider myself much of a public speaker in those days, I figured I owed it to Clyde and agreed to do so.

The two things I remember most from the speech was a quote about the war (a quote which summed up my feelings about Vietnam then and still does today) and a poem I had written for the occasion to memorialize my fallen friend.

The quote, which received a good deal of applause at the time, was: "There are no good wars, only good men!"

The poem written in honor of Clyde and read in the New Jersey State Capitol that day follows:

2007 Re-Dedication to a Long-Ago Friend and Comrade in
Arms Who Didn't Make It Back to the "World"

Technical Sergeant Clyde D. Alloway
United States Air Force


To one left behind,
Who lives on in my mind;
To one I left there,
Beyond worry and care;
Who lives on in my heart,
And from whom I can't part;
Though not with me here,
He has nothing to fear,
His duty is done,
And mine only begun;
For though gone from my sight,
I'll still carry his light;
Nor forget what he's done,
As a true, faithful son.

(c) 1983 R F Hay

(Biographical Note: I retired as a Air Force Major in 1987 and flew for both Pan Am and United Airlines before a medical retirement in 2004. At this point I am an author whose work is, in large part, inspired by a number of experiences that occurred during the emergency bailout that claimed Clyde's life. In this regard, I feel there is a touch of "Saving Private Ryan" with respect to the life I have been blessed to live for the last 37 years. Anyone who might be interested in contacting me is welcome to do so at the following e-mail address:

Richard F. Hay
Major, USAF (Retired)


A Note from The Virtual Wall

"The 18th Special Operations Squadron lost a second aircraft [AC-119K 52-5935] on the night of June 6, 1970. Shortly after the plane took off from Da Nang, its left-engine propeller went out of control. The pilot tried to head back to base but the situation deteriorated and the crew bailed out over the South China Sea just east of Da Nang. The empty aircraft kept on seaward, creating a momentary flurry of excitement since it seemed headed for China's Hainan Island. The Stinger crashed at an undetermined spot. All crewmembers but one were safely recovered."

From the
AC-119 Gunship Site

Technical Sergeant Clyde Alloway was the crewman not recovered.

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