Milton Richard Allerby, Jr
United States Navy
Brockton, Massachusetts
April 27, 1947 to June 11, 1968
MILTON R ALLERBY Jr is on the Wall at Panel W58, Line 21
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20 Jan 2003

This great man "is" my brother!
The greatest guy to ever walk this earth.
He was taken from us in 1968, I can't believe it's been so long. It's now 2003!
It's been 35 years since I last heard from him, but I think of him every day!

I sometimes wonder what my life would be like today if he were still here with me.
What things in my life would be different today?

Anyhow, all's I want to say is if you knew my brother -- he went by the names of Alfie or I'm told also Skinny (and he was) -- he was a corpsmen attached to the 3rd Marine Division. If you knew him you understood the words "trust, loyalty and friendship"! He was a regular prankster over there in Nam, I'm told. I'd love for you to contact me if you knew him. My e-mail address is Use Alfie or Skinny depending on what you knew him as in the subject line!

The last time I saw him I was just an 8th grader going into the 9th! I was very young and naive, not like kids are today! I was the youngest of 4, I missed out on a lot of information way back then, so if you can fill me in on anything let me know!

God Bless all Viet Nam Vets!

Denise Allerby Carlson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Landing Zone TORCH was established in early June 1968 by the 1/4 Marines as part of Operation SCOTLAND II, aimed at discouraging the 88th and 102nd NVA Regiments then operating south and southeast of Khe Sanh. LZ TORCH was located about 14kn SSE of Khe Sanh and was promptly occupied by C Btry, 1/12 Marines, with Alpha 1/4 and Delta 1/3 in place as an infantry force. LZ TORCH was attacked by the NVA within a day or two of its establishment.

The 1/4 Marines' Command Chronology for June 1968 contains the following description of the attack:

"On 11 June, at approximately 0215H, an estimated company of NVA attacked LZ TORCH, using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades, satchel charges, and ChCom grenades. Assault was oriented toward "C" Btry 1/12 and "A" Company 1/4. Repelled assault with small arms, automatic weapons, M-26 grenades, M-70, 60 and 81 mm mortars, and arty, both direct and indirect fire. A flare ship provided illumination. Friendly casualties resulting from the action: "C" Btry - 4 KIA/17 WIA; Co "A" - 10 KIA/5 WIA; Co "D" 1/3 - 1 WIA."
Regretably, one of the wounded Marines died during evacuation, for a total cost of 15 American lives:
  • C Btry, 1st Bn, 12th Marines:
    • 2ndLt Michael L. Dewlen, Amarillo, TX (Silver Star)
    • LCpl Billy J. Wyatt, Columbia, MO
    • Pfc James A. Phipps, Compton, CA
    • Pvt Michael L. Ewing, Independence, IA

  • A Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines:
    • GySgt Edward T. Wright, Los Angeles, CA
    • LCpl Daniel F. Andrus, Riverton, UT
    • Cpl Bernard W. Dickerson, Clarinda, IA
    • HN Milton R. Allerby, Brockton, MA
    • LCpl Robert J. Irwin, Hollywood, FL
    • LCpl Sam Jones, Marshall, TX
    • LCpl Wilber D. Monroe, Langdale, AL
    • LCpl Charles C. White, St Paul, MN
    • Pfc Robert S. Castelot, Hillsboro, NH
    • Pfc Dwight A. Price, New London, CT
    • Pfc Bernard J. Snead, Baltimore, MD


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There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
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